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What is Neurofeedback?

The activity in our brain determines everything we feel and do. While most people have normal brain function, they may still have brain imbalances or chronic emotions that affect their day to day functioning. This is where Neurofeedback can help. 


Neurofeedback is a non-drug, reward-based training system for your brain. The brain needs healthy fast- and slow-moving brainwave activity to function optimally. Neurofeedback, a form of biofeedback, works to change the electrical activity of your brain. It’s a non-invasive treatment that works toward improving the source of your unwanted symptoms. 


All Neurofeedback methods include EEG sensors (small microphones) that monitor your brainwaves and a computer to send feedback back to you. Please note that no energy or electricity is administered to the brain. The equipment only "listens" to your brain waves. We use Traditional Neurofeedback encompassing SMR (Sensory Motor Rhythm) training and Alpha-Theta training. Traditional Neurofeedback converts selected EEG signals to visual and/or sound cues (e.g. a movie or video game) - the feedback you hear or see. When your brain makes more or less of selected brainwaves, then the feedback changes, e.g. the movie becomes clearer/blurrier, or the game moves faster/slower. Over the course of Neurofeedback training, your brain learns from this feedback, which can promote lasting structural changes within your brain. 


Please watch this helpful video to further explain Neurofeedback:





​​​​Why Neurofeedback?

Neurofeedback is backed by more than 30 years of research and clinical application. With regular Neurofeedback training, clinically significant improvements occur in 75-80% of cases (Hammond, 2011).

It is a non-invasive and drug-free alternative, with the benefits of appearing to be permanent in most cases. Positive patterns of brainwave function become encoded in the brain (just like learning how to ski or riding a bike!). The FDA has approved Neurofeedback training for stress management, to help control chaotic thoughts, and to help people relax and meditate. 

Are there any adverse side-effects?

There are no known adverse side-effects from Neurofeedback, however just like a physical workout at the gym, some people may experience transient side-effects such as fatigue, insomnia, headache, or mood changes. These effects are more likely to be experienced in the early stages of training and generally pass after a few hours.


Will it help me?

Neurofeedback benefits are enhanced when your brain health is nourished. Depending on the complexity & severity of your needs, we may recommend you support your Neurofeedback training with dietary modifications, nutritional supplements, prescription medications, physical exercise, acupuncture, and psychological therapy. Neurofeedback is not a "cure" for anything. Instead, it rebalances brain patterns so you can implement strategies to accomplish tasks in life. When your brain functions better, you function better. Please contact our clinic if you have any questions or would like further information.

Please watch the below videos to learn more about ADHD and Neurofeedback. The first video features Dr Moshe Perl, Sunelle's Neurofeedback Trainer and Mentor.

Sunelle aims for children and adults to enjoy a positive and fun experience during their Neurofeedback sessions.

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