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My Services


Sunelle integrates traditional Neurofeedback, SMR (Sensory Motor Rhythm), and Alpha-Theta training with other traditional therapeutic approaches. Please note that Neurofeedback is an optional therapeutic intervention, and you can choose to only engage with traditional therapy if preferred.


An intervention plan is developed with the client following a clinical assessment, and therapeutic interventions may include: Cognitive Behaviour Therapy, Play Therapy, Perinatal Non-Directive Counselling, Trauma Informed Kids Yoga, Paediatric Massage Consultation, Mentalisation-Based Therapy, Attachment Focussed Interventions, Biofeedback (incl. Neurofeedback), and Heart Rate Variability.​ Sunelle can provided support to infants, children, adolescents, and adults presenting with: 


  • ASD

  • Depression 

  • Anxiety

  • PTSD

  • Developmental Trauma

  • Pregnancy and Postnatal Support

  • Infertility 

  • Grief and Loss

  • Sleep Difficulties

  • Adjusting to Parenting

  • Life Stage Transitions

  • Low Self-Esteem

  • Coping with Health Difficulties

  • Learning Difficulties

  • Enhancing Peak Performers

  • Migraine


New Online Services due to COVID-19, further support Families

Medicare approved Non-Directive Perinatal Counselling service


A person who is currently pregnant, or who has been pregnant in the past 12 months, that has concerns, may claim Medicare benefits for up to 3 sessions. This is a form of counselling based on the understanding that, in many situations people can resolve their own problems without being provided with solutions by the counsellor.


Infant Mental Health 

A perinatal and child-focussed intervention, supporting expectant and new parents to develop practical skills, further promoting attachment and positive developmental outcomes.


This is a 3 session program skilfully integrating: 

  • Paediatric Massage

  • Child Development Theory

  • Mentalisation-Based Therapy

  • Neuro Development 

  • Attachment Theory (following a Circle of Security model)


According to research children who have a positive attachment figure are less likely to develop trauma symptoms, following stressful events. 


Parenting Support 
  • Parenting Program: Bringing up Great Kids - Australian Childhood Foundation

  • Trauma Informed Parenting 

  • Psychoeducation Relating to the Neurobiology of Anxiety 

Sunelle is a registered Paediatric Massage Consultant and has completed Mentalisation-Based Therapy training with the Anna Fraud Centre. She has also completed further training with the Australian Psychological Society in Non-Directive Perinatal Counselling. 

Sunelle has engaged with Circle of Security training and is a 'Bringing up Great Kids' trainer. Sunelle has developed a perinatal and child-focussed  intervention, for expectant and new mothers, integrating her extensive knowledge of Child Development, Attachment, and Play.


The goal is to provide parents with practical skills to further promote attachment and positive developmental outcomes for their babies, with the hope that parents attend the sessions with their baby, once baby is born:​


New Online Services due to COVID-19, further support Families


Parents are taught parent-led Play Therapy techniques (via video link) to provide them with the skills to incorporate play as a therapeutic tool to further support their child to process current traumatic events.


Following a Theraplay and Filial Therapy model, Play Therapy allows children to express, regulate, communicate, practice, and master new skills, as well as processing traumatic events. One of the primary benefits of this intervention is that it is a FUN way to reconnect with our children.

Sunelle has successfully completed the theoretical component of her Masters in Gestalt Play Therapy, whilst living in London, as well as an extensive training and clinical supervision, over the last 10 years, in Non-Directive Child-Centred Play Therapy and Filial Therapy, and Level One training in Theraplay.

Connections have a beautiful Play Therapy room that has been lovingly developed with knowledge gained from providing Play Therapy and developing rooms for other service providers over the years.

Sunelle's Play Therapy practice framework primarily incorporated the Integrated Dimension Model of Play Therapy, acknowledging that every child has their own needs as individuals. Sunelle encourages parents to be active participants in the therapeutic process, supporting them to develop their own skills to facilitate change for their child. 


The higher you go in competition, the more you need a mental edge because everyone is physically the best. How are you separating yourself from the competition?

Neurofeedback is a clinically proven intervention, with the potential to support children and adults that are already 'doing well' to be the best they can be and function optimally, in their chosen environments.

Focus and emotional balance is the key to peak performance in all areas. Neurofeedback trains your brain to function more efficiently, improve mental functioning, and emotional stability.


Much like physical training, brainwave training is used to strengthen specific brainwave patterns. The more you practice activating a specific area the stronger and more capable that area becomes.

Brainwaves in proper function run like an orchestra - nothing too loud, nothing too quiet, with a harmonic beat. Restoring this natural symphony is what we do. 


Outstanding performers in all fields are taking advantage of Neurofeedback technologies to reach their peak; from London's Royal College of Music to poker champions. It is extensively used in elite sports; by professional golfers, Olympic athletes, and football clubs such as AC Milan, Real Madrid, and Chelsea.


Surgeons use it to improve concentration, corporate executives use it to increase emotional intelligent for improved leadership skills and better time management, whereas others use it as a mental guide to reach mindful, meditative, or other spiritual states. Many people use Neurofeedback training for release from stress, to improve sleep, and to be their best no matter what circumstances they are facing.












Another important factor governing the success of an elite sportsperson is their ability to recover following an injury – as such, the positive cognitive outcomes associated with Neurofeedback training have become a valuable rehabilitative tool. In the weeks and months following an injury such as a concussion (an extremely common sports-related injury), the brain is vulnerable to a range of negative physiological and psychological outcomes that can impact performance in both the short and long term. By reducing stress and anxiety, players are able to engage with their own recovery and minimise the negative outcomes of an injury, ultimately leading to a faster recovery and a more successful return to form, restoring their confidence in the aftermath of a setback.


Professionals often have physical and emotionally demanding jobs. With Neuro-Informed Clinical Mentoring, the goal is to raise awareness of the central and autonomic nervous systems level of functioning, utilising Neurofeedback technology. This occurs via EEG Mapping of the brain, which provides an excellent opportunity to externalise information and clinically analysing data. 

The goal is to incorporate solution-focussed techniques and strength-based questioning, encouraging professionals to identify existing skills and resources, with gentle reference to other possibilities, and developing a tailored wellness diet. Neuro-Informed Clinical Mentoring is a unique opportunity to enhance your functioning in all domains and provide you with an edge in your specific field.


Connections offers clients the opportunity to engage with Neurofeedback at home or while they are travelling. Neurofeedback sessions are fully supervised by the Neurofeedback clinician, and a protocol is developed and adjusted by your BCIA-Board Certified Neurofeedback clinician.


With BetterFly, home clients benefit from the fact that their session results are automatically available online to their clinicians for review and protocol adjustment. BetterFly is a unique, state-of-the-art system designed to provide clients with accurate and comfortable Neurofeedback training technology that enables them to enjoy any kind of computer activity whilst training their brainwave patterns to health (yes, you can even watch videos on YouTube or interact with friends on Facebook during sessions!)​

How does it work?

Clients attend the Connections practice for a comprehensive Clinical and Neurofeedback assessment to establish if this method of training is going to beneficial for you. During this session a Neurofeedback training protocol is developed, and the client is trained to use the equipment, which is rented/bought from Connections. Sessions would be sent to the client via the BetterFly software system and reviewed via the same system. Each client has their own secure login. 

Who may Benefit?
  • Peak performers

  • Clients that often travel

  • Clients that need several training sessions a week (home training is convenient and saves time and money)

  • Clients that have well established protocols 

  • Families where there are more than one person engaging with Neurofeedback



             What is a QEEG Assessment?


  • A QEEG (Quantitative Electroencephalogram) is a non-invasive assessment method that records brain electrical activity in the form of brain wave patterns. It is also referred to as “brain mapping.”  

  • Brain waves are the rhythmic electrical impulses generated when the millions and millions of neurons inside your brain communicate with each other. Brain waves can reveal important information about our overall brain functioning. 

  • The QEEG assessment gives a general indication of typical brain functioning, levels of alertness, self- regulation capacity, and can identify different patterns associated with difficulties in impulsivity, cognitive functions/flexibility, sleep disorders, and changes in mood and behaviour, including stress levels, thought patterns, and emotions.  

  • The report of brain wave analysis is a diagnostic aid that gives health care practitioners an objective scientific tool for use in assessing mental health. The report provides information about exactly what is functionally out of balance in a given patient’s brain, and, in turn, may be causing that individual's symptoms. With this more precise understanding of the underlying physiology, the clinician can make a more confident diagnosis and determination of the most appropriate treatment. 

  • Importantly, recent studies have concluded that QEEG findings are highly correlated with other types of brain analysis. Moreover, with brain wave analysis, subtle brain dysfunction can be detected where it is not discernible with other methods. It is important to make a clear differentiation between QEEG tests of the brain and other commonly used, and perhaps more familiar, imaging techniques in medicine. For example, X-rays, CAT scans, and MRIs are all used to measure brain anatomy, or structure. The QEEG, on the other hand, measures  brain physiology, or function. 

  • It is also important to understand that a QEEG is not the same as a "clinical EEG," which is used in medical practice to evaluate epilepsy or to determine if there is serious brain pathology, such as a tumour. By contrast, the QEEG does not assess the structure of the brain, but rather, evaluates the manner in which a particular person’s brain functions. It is not designed to diagnose tumours, epilepsy, or other structural medical conditions. 

  • QEEG measures the minute electrical activity of a person's brain and then, using proprietary software, compares that unique pattern to known databases of "normal" and "abnormal" patterns. This type of computer-driven statistical analysis is particularly useful in evaluating difficult and borderline cases. 

  • A QEEG assessment usually takes about 2 hours to complete. 





          What to expect before the QEEG assessment: 


  • Please complete the attached questionnaires, and intake and consent forms prior to your assessment.  

  • Consider possible risks that may be associated with the QEEG assessment. If you have any concerns, please have a discussion with your clinician prior to the assessment. Risks to consider may include:  

    • Skin sensitivity/allergies to the products that are used to complete the assessment 

    • Sensory sensitivities (the assessment requires the clinician touching the head and ears)

    • A full cap would be placed on your head, which may feel counterphobic for some people 

    • Sitting still for a period of time might be challenging for some, especially children

    • Consider that other professionals might still be developing their understanding of this intervention

  • Please discuss your goals with your clinicians prior to the assessment to ensure a shared understanding and to provide the opportunity for clarification if needed.  

  • In order to measure your brain activity reliably, it is important that you follow the steps below before your assessment. Your cooperation is very important.  

  • Get enough sleep the night before.

  • Wash and dry your hair the day before your appointment. Do not put any gel or heavy hair products such as conditioner on your hair.

  • Have something to eat before the assessment.

  • Do not apply make-up or greasy cream on your face. 

  • Do not consume any caffeinated drinks (e.g. colas, energy drinks, tea, coffee, etc.) or any food that contains these products at least 2 hours before the assessment.

  • Do not consume any alcohol or recreational drugs.

  • Continue taking your medications (if any) as prescribed by your doctor.

  • Arrive on time as a failure to do so may result in an incomplete assessment or the need for further sessions.


  • Many children visit our clinic for the QEEG assessments. Sunelle is a Play Therapist with 20 years’ experience working with children and families, with an aim to intergrate a firm but playful approach to ensure the process is stress-free for both the parent and child. Connections is located in Nerang, on the Gold Coast, Australia, and is a non-clinical setting designed to support a relaxed and safe environment. 


 Information for parents:  

  • Parents are asked to stay in the room during the QEEG assessment recording, so you can support your child during the process.  

  • Please ensure that you explain to your child what will happen during the assessment so they can come prepared. Please see attached photos of the building and equipment.  

  • It is good to have a snack packed for your trip here and a treat for after the appointment. 

  • Your child can bring any comfort toys, books, iPad, DVD, etc to keep them calm during the recording. Please note that this can be used during the initial set up time but needs to be taken away during the recording if the child fidgets with it.  

  • If the child has a therapy animal, the animal can assist too. Please discuss this option with us prior to the appointment.  




What to expect during the QEEG assessment: 


  • On arrival, we collect your written consent for the assessment to be completed. 

  • When you come to the clinic you will be asked to sit in a comfortable chair and will be given a colourful EEG recording cap to wear (similar to a swimming cap). The clip-on sensors will then be placed on your ears. 

  • The cap has many sensors on it and each sensor has a hole in the middle. The EEG technician will apply a special gel through these holes and the gel will touch the skin on your scalp to enable contact.  

  • The only electricity involved in the cap comes from electrical activity produced by the patient’s own brain. No electricity flows towards the patient. In fact, there is no possibility of the patient receiving electrical currents from the connections, as the patient and the cap are specifically isolated from all of the other equipment.  

  • The setup may take up to 40 minutes, and the EEG recording 50 minutes.

  • You will be asked to relax your muscles while the sensors are measuring your brain wave activity during the recording.

  • It is important that you are still during the EEG recording to enable a good quality recording. If you move too much during the recording, it might be hard to do the analysis of your EEG. 

  • Once a sample of the electrical activity data of the patient’s brain has been collected, the proprietary software of the acquisition device performs a computerised transformation of the raw, analogy brain waves into digital form, which can be analysed by the computer. The first phase of analysis is designed to identify, characterise, and highlight brainwave activity on the basis of its prominent features. Next, the analysis uses computerised statistical procedures to make over a thousand statistical analyses to compare patient EEG patterns with those of a scientific normative database that have been developed over the past 20 years in major research laboratories and hospitals. 

  • This procedure provides a sensitive and specific method to detect subtle variations in the activity of the brain and quantifies the likelihood that a particular patients profile is consistent with one or more of the clinical groups in the original database studies. 

  • The results of a brain wave analysis allow us to determine, in a highly scientific and objective manner whether, and how, the patient’s brainwave patterns are significantly different from what is considered normal for the patient's age group. 

  • After the assessment is completed, there is a bathroom available if you want to remove the excess electrode gel.  


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